Latest Rubber Rate Kerala, Latest Kerala Rubber news.
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Rubber Rate Kerala Today as on 12th SEPTEMBER 2020 : 03.20 Pm
Rubber Sheet RSS4(Per kg): 132.50
Rubber Sheet RSS5(Per kg): 126.50
Rubber sheet Loose(Per kg): 118.00
Rubber Sheet Lot(Per kg): 104.00
Rubber Scrap (80% DRC,Per kg): 76.00
Rubber Latex (60% DRC): 72.00
Rubber Field Latex(Per kg DRC): 100.00
Natural Rubber Demand May Revive In Coming Months
The Intergovernmental Panel on Rubber Growing Countries estimates that global demand for natural rubber is likely to decline by 2.9 percent in the third quarter of 2020. China saw a 15 per cent drop in quarter 1 and 2 a 15.8 per cent decline quarter 2.ANRPC expects NR consumption to recover in the third quarter (July-September 2020) due to the rapid recovery of the US economy, recovery in the Chinese manufacturing sector and higher vehicle and sales in China and India.
Preliminary figures show that China used 456,000 tonnes of natural rubber in July. In view of lower-than-expected performance in the US and the European Union, the global consumption outlook for 2020 has been revised downwards. 12.544 million tonnes, down 8.9 per cent from the previous year.
Developments in the short and medium market depend on the global economic recovery and the revival of the automotive industry and the transport sector. The recovery will depend on how early an effective vaccine against the corona virus is developed and produced on a large scale, ”said ANRPC Secretary General RB Premadasa.
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