Concerns over the Corona pandemic continue to weigh on the domestic rubber price Kerala as concerns over demand from China mounted over the Christmas and New Year week. Rubber lost for the second week in a row on the Osaka Exchange and SHFE in Japan. Along with foreign markets, the price of natural rubber has also declined in the Domestic Indian rubber market. Domestic rubber price Kerala ,RSS 4 grade, fell by 2% to Rs 153 per kg in the spot market last week. Although sales were low, the decline in overseas markets and the increase in revenue due to the high production season were reflected in the markets. The Christmas and New Year holidays also affected sales.
The Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries, an association of natural rubber producers, has estimated that natural rubber production will grow by 9 per cent this year from 12.59 million tonnes last year. Trade in RSS 4 rubber in the Indian market has been steady in recent weeks due to favorable indications from overseas markets and increased demand in the domestic market. But the coming season of highest production is likely to affect the market. Demand from China and new changes in the corona virus environment, the start of corona vaccination and fluctuations in crude oil prices may affect market movements. In the past, natural rubber has come under pressure both in the domestic market and abroad. The unfavorable weather conditions affected the supply, the unavailability of labor and the fungal outbreak of rubber cultivation in Thailand limited the losses. Going forward, the new market conditions may prevent a sharp fall.
Domestic Rubber Price Kerala Today, Latest Rubber News Kerala
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Domestic Rubber Price Kerala as on 8th January 2021: 2.00 Pm
Rubber Sheet RSS4(Per kg): 152.00
Rubber Sheet RSS5(Per kg): 142.00
Rubber sheet Loose(Per kg): 131.00
Rubber Sheet Lot(Per kg): 113.00/117.00
Rubber Scrap (80% DRC, Per kg): 87.00
Rubber Latex (60% DRC): 99.00
Rubber Field Latex(Per kg DRC): 138.00
Rubber ISNR20 : 125.00
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