The price of RSS4 Rubber has come down in major markets in Kerala today. The concerns about supply led to a fall in prices. The southwest monsoon started in Kerala on Sunday, three days before the normal date of June 1.
Global production of natural rubber increased by 13.6% in April to 941,000 tonnes, according to a monthly report by the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries.
Therefore, the harvest will be interrupted again for three months and the domestic rubber supply will be low till the end of August.
RSS4 Rubber Price Today
31 st May 2022 : 04.30 Pm
Rubber Sheet RSS4(Per kg): 173.50
Rubber Sheet RSS5(Per kg): 171.50
Rubber sheet Loose(Per kg): 167.50
Rubber Sheet Lot(Per kg): 152.00-157.00
Rubber Scrap (75% DRC,Per kg): 117.50
Rubber Latex (60% DRC): 113.00
Rubber Field Latex(Per kg DRC): 164.00
Rubber ISNR 20: 169.00
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